Pentester Academy (Weekend Lab Sprint)
The Golden Logs (Linux privilege escalation)
Privilege Escalation : Linux

type ls to check (initial recon) then ls -la for long listing.
To see every process on the system using standard syntax
ps -ef
we see /usr/lib/postfix/sbin/master
we see mail service is running as we check mail logs by
cat /var/mail/root

now old fashion for spawning a shell and escalating privilege.Creating a new file with same name in the same location with shell code to insert an
entry into /etc/sudoers file.
note : This entry will allow the current user to run any command with sudo
without providing password. (lets give a try.)

now check the current configration by command: sudo -l.
now we are closer lets see the output.

minute for shell script to execute.
After a minute , now checking the sudo configuration again. This time, new entry is present.

now type and execute binary/command with sudo like : /bin/bash

now we must look for flag .searching in root dirr or desktop of root.

flag is dfba711fd731b0c2ebc1586b0484a8ec

thank you.